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The British 'ave Come / The Fallen Madonna
Diffusé le : 07/09/1984
Alternative name: "The Fallen Madonna" The Colonel and the Captain mull over their situation and decide they should probably hand over René and the painting to the Gestapo in order to get rid of Herr Flick. But René convinces them that they could hand over a forged copy of the painting instead (with the assistance of a conveniently-located forger), and gets them to lend their uniforms to the escaping British officers so the Brits can take the painting to England to be forged. Meanwhile, everyone keeps handing René poison pills "to make it easier", Herr Flick decides his relationship with Helga should include an intimate dinner in René's back room, and Hans figures out that putting cheese in one's ears improves the sound of Madame Edith's singing. (
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