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The Animals of Farthing Wood
(Les Animaux du Bois de Quat'sous)
Précédent  1x11 Suivant
Un calme mortel
Diffusé le : 17/03/1993
Still shaken and grieving for the death of the hedgehogs the animals find themselves in a large field filled with vegetables. The grass-eating animals are overjoyed with the abundance of food for them until Fox notices something is wrong. He believes the field may be poisonous. When a tractor spraying a liquid substance heads their way the animals make a run for it. However Mr Rabbit is too slow and is coated in the substance. As the Rabbits panic Fox discovers that the poisonous chemical is in fact only harmful to insects like caterpillars and butterflies. Mr Rabbit is not going to die much to Mrs Rabbit's relief. (
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