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The Animals of Farthing Wood
(Les Animaux du Bois de Quat'sous)
Précédent  1x07 Suivant
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Diffusé le : 17/02/1993
After finding himself on a log floating downstream Fox jumped aboard a boat that ended up in a town. As he sees humans surrounding him he jumps out and escapes into the town. Frightened by the bustle of the town in daylight he looks for somewhere to hide. He meets a cat called Tom and hunts rats for him in return for shelter. However when he finds a box to sleep in it is lifted by a truck, which heads out of the town, so Fox takes his chance and escpapes into a nearby field. Here he is greeted by a friendly Horse who warns him about the hunt in this area. Finding himself an empty den he goes inside for a rest. But soon he is woken by the movement of another fox, a Vixen. Meanwhile, back with the other animals, the fieldmice's new born babies have been eaten by a butcher bird. (
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