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The Animals of Farthing Wood
(Les Animaux du Bois de Quat'sous)
Précédent  1x04 Suivant
Le faux paradis
Diffusé le : 27/01/1993
With most of the animals too tired to care where they rest they shelter in an empty barn. But Fox is wary about being near humans and sets up a watch to alert them of danger. However when Mrs Pheasant takes the place of her sleeping husband she wanders out of the barn and is killed by the farmer's gun. With the sound of the gun the animals try to escape but they are locked inside the barn with a dog patrolling outside. Some of the animals manage to gnaw and dig an escape route allowing them all to escape into a nearby wood. However it is when they are all safe and the panic over that Fox realises that one of them is missing. (
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