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Soul Eater
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Crona s'enfuit ~Souris, s'il te plaît ?~
Diffusé le : 05/01/2009
Crona is visited by Eruka again, telling Crona to return to Medusa. Meanwhile, Arachne visits Asura alone in the mountains to ask for an alliance against Shibusen. Death Scythe brings Soul and Maka to Crona's room, showing them that Crona is gone, which causes Maka to look everywhere for Crona. Crona is outside of Shibusen walking in the desert sand and falls into a hole and sits there. Back at Arachnophobia, Asura has allied with Arachne. Maka and Soul find Crona in the hole and Crona cries, confessing about putting Medusa's snake in Marie's tea. Shinigami discusses with Death Scythe and Maka about Crona's betrayal when Sid suddenly announces that Medusa has come to Shibusen to surrender. (
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