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Garrow's Law - Tales from the Old Bailey
(Garrow's Law: Tales From The Old Bailey)
Précédent  1x03 Suivant
Episode 3
Diffusé le : 15/11/2009
After more derision from Silvester, Garrow is spurred on to defend Edgar Cole, a man who is accused of raping a servant girl. Garrow controversially wins and the detestable Edgar Cole is acquitted, much to the disappointment of Lady Sarah. She confronts Garrow but Silvester interrupts and senses the intimacy between them. His insinuation offends Garrow and he challenges Silvester to a duel to defend Lady Sarah's honour. Garrow's next case sees him up against his old nemesis, the violent and unscrupulous thief-taker Edward Forrester. Forrester orders petty criminals Tom and Phebe to steal a box of lace from a shop owned by Katharine Stanton. Garrow seeks help from Southouse, but will his close friendship with Lady Sarah cost him his association with his dear mentor? (
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