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Jackie Chan Adventures
(Jackie Chan)
Précédent  3x14 Suivant
Être ou ne pas être Tohru
Diffusé le : 01/03/2003
Valmont returns and gives Tohru a magic potion that causes the man-giant to loose his memory. He awakens at Valmonts hideout, and 'remembers' who he is - #1 Enforcer. Uncle creates a locater spell for the missing Tohru and the gang tracks him to India. Tohru believing Jackie to be his enemy, engages him in battle. Triumpant, Valmont and Tohru continue to the Temple of the Golden Elephant. At the temple, Jackie attempts to stop Tohru from stealing a jewel encrusted elephant that will finance the Dark Hand back into action. The removal of the Elephant causes stone statues in the temple to animate. Tohru and Jackie work together to defeat the animated statues while Valmont hides. While Tohru has not regained his memory he relaizes that Jackie helped him while Valmont would sacrifice him, and he aligns himself with Jackie. In attempting to get Tohru under his control again, Valmont accidently spray himself with the amniesia potion and is turned over to the authorities. (
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