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Jackie Chan Adventures
(Jackie Chan)
Précédent  3x13 Suivant
La Ménagerie de Jade
Diffusé le : 15/02/2003
This episode come right after ""The ox-head incident"". Tohru is trying to push the ox down the mountain, but the ox refuses to budge. Just then Chow, Finn, and Ratso appear, demanding the ox. Jade throws her energy bar, and the ox charges right through the trio, causing them to poof. Then Hak Foo shows up, and everyone except Jackie gets into their plane safely, but the pilot is able to spin the plane around, saving Jackie, and dropping Hak Foo. At school, the teacher reminds everyone that they have only one more day to turn in their science fair projects. Jade hasn't started, and Drew teases her about the magic animals she talks about. Jade decides to use the animals as her project and tells Jackie that she's making spud animals. She sneaks all of the animals out of section 13 using the powers of the monkey, snake, and rabbit. Meanwhile, Daolonwong is shouting at his servants that he has only 2 talisman powers, while the good guys have 9. Just then, he realizes that all of the (
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