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Jackie Chan Adventures
(Jackie Chan)
Précédent  3x08 Suivant
Le Mouton Astral
Diffusé le : 09/11/2002
While trying to obtain the big-horn sheep that embodies the power of astral projection, the Dark Chi Enforcers bungle it so badly that they are banished by Daolon into limbo. Jackie, Jade and Uncle realize that the sheep has astral projected and they must figure out where the astral-sheep has gone. Daolon summons the Shadowkan to do his bidding. With Uncle's magic they locate the astral-sheep and discover that the astral-sheep can talk! The Shadowkan invade the dream scaring the sheep into the night. Jade goes to sleep to find the sheep and communicate with it. But as the astral-sheep returns to its body, Daolon is there to absorb the astra-sheep/power. Daolon uses his new powers to seperate Jade and Jackie's astral forms from their bodies and seal them out. Uncle counteracts Daolon's sealing spell, but returns Astral-Jackie and Jade to the other's body. Utimately the Shadowkan are defeated, the Astral-sheep is returned to its body and astral-Jackie and Jade are returned to their corre (
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