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Jackie Chan Adventures
(Jackie Chan)
Précédent  2x34 Suivant
La Malédiction du Roi Singe
Diffusé le : 27/04/2002
Jackie and Jade stumble upon a secret cult of magic users in England, who believe that Jackie has over heard their plot to destroy civilization as we know it, but he knows nothing. These ""Magisters"" scurry around London to find Jackie and Jade and destroy them before they reveal their plans to the world. Using their magic, they would be able to dispose of the duo, while Jackie and Jade run far away as they can from these people and get as much as information they can to find out why they are chasing them for, who could be anyone in London, even police officers and store owners. Both of them discovers that the Magisters are planning to use StoneHenge to destroy the world, but they could not get help because Uncle was not able to use a Fax Machine, and they were caught. (
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