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Jackie Chan Adventures
(Jackie Chan)
Précédent  2x23 Suivant
Un troll qui a du ressort
Diffusé le : 19/01/2002
Jackie travelled to India for a conference, to make the courier of a dangerous artefact, an Evil Sutra when it's put in his mouth disguised as a dental filling. Legend says when the Sutra is dropped into the Ganges, the river will dry up, which will allow a corrupt trio of archaeologists to help themselves to untold riches on the river bed. Jackie being chased by both good guys and bad guys (who want to get to his mouth), culminate with the others in the Evil Sutra. Eventually, they all fall down a drain. Jackie and Jade must thwart the bad guys and race through the sewer system to find the tiny Evil Sutra before it reaches the river. (
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