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(Degrassi, nouvelle génération)
(Degrassi: The Next Generation)
Précédent  3x06 Suivant
Mauvais Garçon
Diffusé le : 22/10/2003
Things haven't been going very well for Sean lately. Emma's busy dealing with Snake's illness and a brand new baby brother and Tracker's busy leading the exciting life a normal 20-something. Feeling lonely and neglected, Sean's drawn to car-loving, tough- talking Jay and his group of buddies. Jay and the gang welcome Sean into their circle and Sean finally feels like he belongs. When Jay asks Sean to prove himself by stealing a keyboard from the MI Lab, Sean goes one step further, stealing something even bigger. JT's been spending more time with Paige and the popular kids and he seems reluctant to share the limelight with Toby. But when JT has a wet dream about (gasp) Liberty while sleeping over at Toby's, Toby uses the information as an in with the cool gang. (
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