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The 10th Kingdom
(Le 10ème royaume)
Précédent  1x07 Suivant
Part 7
Diffusé le : 19/03/2000
In search of The Magic Traveling Mirror, Virginia, Tony, Wolf and Prince find themselves in a strange town. Kissing town, the place where Snow White was saved from her deadly sleep by a prince’s kiss. They all begin gambling to get enough money to buy The Mirror from an auction house. Wolf hits a jackpot but doesn’t tell anyone. Wolf, determined to win Virginias love, then spends all of his money on a Singing Engagement Ring and other things for Virginia. The Huntsman outbids them at the auction and wins The Mirror. He then blackmails Tony. If Tony doesn't give him the Prince he will smash the mirror. Virginia is mad at Wolf for lying so she turns his proposal down. Tony comes out with a plan to get the mirror and save the Prince, but it fails and mirror is broken. The Evil Queen kills Relish the Troll king with a poison apple. (
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