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Ocean Girl
Précédent  3x16 Suivant
Gamma Level: Radioactive
Diffusé le : 22/12/1996
Dianne demands that a tribunal hearing be convened to stop UBRI's development, but Hellegren argues that there is no connection between the earthquake and UBRI's explosions. Another piece of the Synchronium is located by Lena, and Brett and Cass are sent to Neri's island to get Kal to pinpoint it's location. Venturing inland to retrieve the piece, Neri, Brett and Cass encounter a farm family with a blind daughter (Petra Yared). After discovering the Synchronium capsule to be empty, the trio are surprised to find that the Synchronium piece is a prized possession of Patti. After spending time with Patti, she gives Neri the Synchronium piece. When Lena encounters her father on ORCA, she threatens to go public with his work if he makes life difficult for her on the station. Dianne is upset to discover that canisters of radioactive materials are being stored in the school section of ORCA. When a tremor strikes, the canisters break open threatening Benny who is in the otherwise deserted computer lab. Jason goes against regulations to get him out and afterward he is praised by Commander Wellington who also chastises Morgan for her "by-the-books" approach to the emergency. (
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