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Ocean Girl
Précédent  3x15 Suivant
The Spy
Diffusé le : 15/12/1996
Winston is excited about the arrival of Camilla Sabato to ORCA. She is a science writer but more importantly, a close friend. Winston gives her a tour of ORCA but afterward Brett catches her making a secret transmission to Dr. Hellegren telling him that she will be looking for information about his "Ocean Girl." Brett informs Dianne and Winston who see that Camilla leaves ORCA. Kal finishes at the top of his class in a fitness competition, he returns to the island to tell Neri but finds her once again preoccupied with Jason. Kal's jealousy surfaces again and after telling Jason that he is no longer welcome on the island, he moves back into the spaceship. Neri is concerned about the condition of a nearby coral reef, she and Jason go to film the site (Jason skips out on a party that Sallyanne asked him to) hoping to gather evidence to prove that ocean life is being destroyed by UBRI's construction of ORCA City. A large earthquake strikes, opening the fault line near ORCA. (
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