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Ocean Girl
Précédent  3x13 Suivant
Lena's Betrayal
Diffusé le : 01/12/1996
Neri receives a message from Mera in a dream warning her that time is running out. Neri goes to ORCA where she warns Dianne that UBRI's development must be stopped. Kellar tells Hellegren of her suspicions about Lena, but he won't listen to her and tells her to not to question his daughter. Jason is forced to tell Lena all about Neri and their search for the Synchronium. Dr. Hellegren orders the construction of ORCA City to be sped up by increasing the yield of the explosives. Cass is sent to a psychiatrist to help her understand her dreams, what she remembers however is quickly reported back to Dr. Hellegren who observes her next session. Cass returns to ORCA with a restored memory and demands to know the truth. She is taken to meet Neri and promises to keep her a secret and aid in the search for the Synchronium. With evidence of his daughters actions, Dr. Hellegren confronts Lena, she admits what she's been doing and leaves home after he says she is no longer his daughter. Kal experiences fear when Neri is threatened by a large underwater explosion. Winston believes the continuous explosions may threaten the stability of a nearby fault line and cause earthquakes. (
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