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Ocean Girl
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The Helicopter Exam
Diffusé le : 24/11/1996
Neri continues to teach Kal about feelings. Cass is still having her dreams about her time on Neri's island and now remembers Brett being there. Lena overhears her father and Kellar talking about their plans for creating a news bulletin to lure some of the kids from ORCA to an island to find out exactly what they know about the alien device. Jason is uneasy about his helicopter flight test and is unable take the controls. Kal searches the spaceship for a gift left to him by his parents. Benny and Brett arrive and find him playing a strange musical instrument and crying, Brett explains to Kal why people cry. Seeing the news bulletin created by UBRI, Brett and Neri head off to the remote island looking what they believe to be another piece of the Synchronium. Lena arrives on ORCA to warn the Bates brothers about the trap but she is too late to stop Brett, she does find Jason and warn him. Needing to get to Brett and Neri quickly, Jason goes on another helicopter test with Morgan and diverts to the island to warn Brett and Neri. Upset by his failed plan, Dr. Hellegren suspects a leak in the UBRI chain of command but it is Kellar who learns who tipped off their plan. (
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