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Ocean Girl
Précédent  3x11 Suivant
Cassandra's Nightmare
Diffusé le : 17/11/1996
A trip to ORCA prompts a discussion between Neri and Kal about feelings. Cass is beginning to remember about her time on Neri's island in her dreams. Brett takes Benny to the island to see Neri and Kal and Jason arrives soon after having discovered the location of another piece of Synchronium deep in the ocean. Neri is anxious to retrieve it and sets out by herself. The boat taking Brett and Benny back to ORCA breaks down, and with strict instructions not to go to ORCA, Kal abandons them in the middle of nowhere. Fortunately, Charlie alerts Neri, who was unsuccessful in her attempt at retrieving the Synchronium, and she comes to their rescue. Back on ORCA Brett is hassled by Moose, a bully who demands his new satellite navigation unit. With Jason and Brett assisting her, Neri retrieves the Synchronium from the ocean depths just moments before UBRI arrives on the scene. Brett is again confronted by Moose but Kal, acting on the lesson he received on loyalty after abandoning Brett and Benny, defends Brett against Moose and his cohorts. (
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