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Ocean Girl
Précédent  3x09 Suivant
The Capsule in the Desert
Diffusé le : 03/11/1996
Brett locates another piece of Synchronium but interrupts Jason's training exercise to tell him the news. UBRI has also located the piece and mount an effort to retrieve it. Lena is back on ORCA looking for clarification about her father, she learns nothing from Brett but does meet Kal. Jason, Brett, and Neri go after the second piece of Synchronium, it is far inland and they must go by camel. Arriving after UBRI, who have already recovered the Synchronium, the trio is spotted and pursued by Kellar who they are able to elude on their sure-footed camels. Dr. Hellegren begins studying the piece of Synchronium and discovers that it generates a tidal force. (
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