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Ocean Girl
Précédent  3x08 Suivant
Extraterrestrial Abilities
Diffusé le : 21/09/1996
Neri awakes on the island to find Kal missing, he's gone to ORCA. Jason and Brett introduce Kal to Diane and Winston. Shortly after, Neri arrives and tells Diane about UBRI's plans to use explosives on the ocean floor in their construction. Diane is not happy and takes the issue before the tribunal but unfortunately they rule in favour of UBRI and allow the blasting to proceed. Jason and Brett begin searching HELEN for reports of UFOs and meteorite impacts that may help them locate the Synchronium pieces. Neri senses something wrong with the oceans but cannot be more specific. Successful in their search, Jason, Brett, and Neri venture inland to retrieve the first piece of Synchronium. Lena accesses her father's locked computer files. Kal beats Benny, the youth champion, in a game of trigammono. (
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