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Ocean Girl
Précédent  3x07 Suivant
A Super-Sportsman
Diffusé le : 14/09/1996
Neri goes to ORCA to see how Jason and Brett are going with their search for the Synchronium. Dianne takes the opportunity to ask her to help Winston with his dive test which she agrees to do. When Neri doesn't return to the island on time, Kal takes the opportunity to go back to ORCA. On ORCA, Kal manages to get signed up for Morgan's fitness class (she's very impressed with him) and gets a date with Marika, which Jason is able to speed him through. Neri helps Winston through his test by getting him to believe in himself. After Lena's visit to ORCA, Kellar warns her that her curiosity may reveal things about her father she might not want to know. (
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