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Ocean Girl
Précédent  3x06 Suivant
Winston and Water
Diffusé le : 07/09/1996
Hoping to keep Kal from making any return trips to ORCA, Jason suggests to Neri that she show him around the spaceship which he has been interested in. Winston's inability to swim is made an issue of by Kellar and UBRI, threatening his job on ORCA as they hope to replace him with one of their own. Fortunately, Benny discovers a provision is the regulations forcing the commander to give Winston a week to meet the qualifications. Neri brings Jason and Brett back to the ship where she and Kal have made a discovery. An interface with the ship's computer gives Neri access the ship's log written by Kal's mother. She explains to the group about a mission requiring the assembly of nine pieces of "Synchronium" which once put together will have the power to heal the Earth's oceans. Neri asks Jason and Brett to help her look for the Synchronium but they must no tell anyone else. Believing that Neri is close by to assist him, Winston passes his swimming test. (
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