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Ocean Girl
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Secrets Out
Diffusé le : 04/09/1995
Prior to leaving on the final survey mission, Dianne learns Commander Byrne has assigned Froggy, Zoe, Joanne, Rocky and Kimberly to her crew. Forsyth hides a transmitter on the boat to allow UBRI to follow it. UBRI divers are dispatched to apprehend Neri and Mera and in their struggle with the UBRI divers, Neri and Mera are caught by the boat's cameras for all to see, revealing their existence to everybody on board. Responding to Mera's call for help, Charley intervenes allowing the girls to escape, it's the first time Mera has been able to talk to Charlie. After being told about Neri and her sister, the kids all agree to keep the secret, except for Mick who just says that he'll "think about it." (
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