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Puppy Love
Diffusé le : 22/05/2002
Catherine has a dream in which she is seduced by Henry, but ends up in bed with Robert. She also dreams that a dead girl, covered with blood, barges into the room. The next morning, she apologizes to Henry for coming on to him, and tries to claim that she was drunk. He leaves in a panic. Henry and Lily grow closer. Tom spends several days at Beth's apartment, and doesn't let his brother know his whereabouts. After Henry comes over for dinner, Catherine insists that he stay the night again so that he won't be alone. She goes into his room and starts kissing him while he sleeps. Henry bolts the scene and decides to walk home in the middle of the night. Catherine takes Lily to see Meredith Weller's mother, who talks about how close the girls were and says that she is certain that Philip Parker killed her daughter. Lily feels guilty about doubting her mother, but still isn't sure that she believes her. Lily convinces Henry to confront Page Harter. She admits that she is his mot (
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