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Précédent  1x04 Suivant
Hostile Environment
Diffusé le : 02/11/2001
Henry shows Catherine an old home movie of his mother. He explains that she had been sending checks to Tom and Henry for years, but has not attempted any personal contact. Catherine notices a resemblance between casual acquaintance Page Harter and the woman in the film. She invites Page to George's retirement party, and suggests that Henry talk with her. Lily grows suspicious about Henry's meetings with Catherine. Lily looks up Philip Parker's mother and goes to her house with Jennie. Mrs. Parker angrily declares that Catherine is responsible for her son's demise, and advises Lily to ask her about Meredith's disappearance. Catherine grows tired of Lily's questions. Lillian convinces Robert that Catherine pushed for Will to get the job as publisher. Robert meets with Jayleen and offers to help her get her job back. He insists that he only forced her out as a favor to Will. Nate wakes up next to a big naked guy after a night of partying. The man demands payment for the 2000 d (
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