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Always Greener
Précédent  1x16 Suivant
History Repeating
Diffusé le : 21/04/2002
After Jason's drinking gets him into trouble with his friends, John tells him a family secret that he accidently killed someone in a car crash because of his drinking, and he was put in jail and released on bail. He asks Jason to keep it between themselves. We learn more truths about Isabelle, and the fact she is hiding great sandness about what she saw Tom go through his whole child hood and she did nothing to stop it, and that she wasn't really his mother and Tom had to realise that, even though she is his biological mother only. Kim gets chicken pox and Liz worries about the health of her baby. Tom confronts Marissa, and Marissa is upset by Tom's reaction. Meanwhile, the city kids are lining up for tickets to the Limp Biscuit Concert, and camping out in the city which Sandra is reluctant about. Cam meets a girl and kisses her in line, and Shelly and Pip resolve a few differences. (
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