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Resurrection Blvd.
Précédent  2x20 Suivant
La Gran Pelea
Diffusé le : 06/11/2001
In the beginning of 2nd season finale Carlos trains for his fig fight. Yolanda and Luke talk with father Mario Reyes about their wedding. Vivian calls Alex and gives him an sudgestion to study together in the same hotel room they studied couple days ago, because the test is very near. Later she tries to attract him by getting her blouse unbuttoned, but he sleeps and misses everything. Roberto is surprised to see Bobby Davis getting Carlos prepared for the fight. Later he gets into a fight with Bibi. Alex tells Vivian that he made big mistakes with women before and that he does not wants to make a new mistake with her. Yolanda has some second tphoughts about her upcoming wedding but Victoria insures her that it will all be just fine. As the big event starts, Ray Mancini and Tom Kelly give their comments for television and radio. The big fight starts and Johnny leads in first 2 rounds. Everyone is worried because Carlos does nothing to win. As the rounds go by, Carlos tries to tire Johnn (
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