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Baby Blues
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Wanda Proof
Diffusé le : 20/01/2002
Being a brand-new father turns Darryl into a worrywart. Wanda confesses to Bizzy that she's been lying to Darryl in regards to Zoe, because he thinks she's an irresponsible mother. Perhaps rightfully so, since Zoe rolls off the changing table while the two are talking. Wanda rushes Zoe to Dr. Gruber to get stitches in her head, and Darryl learns the truth when he arrives at the hospital later. Since Wanda never read ""Changing Table Safety,"" Darryl decides to make the house more 'Wanda proof' -- er, baby proof -- by hiring baby-proofer Mr. Saunders to inspect their house and see what's unsafe. Everything apparently. So, following Saunders' advice, the MacPhersons turn their home into a safe haven, complete with a padded cell nursery for Zoe. Wanda thinks Darryl's overdoing it, but soon sees maybe he isn't when she takes Zoe's temperature rectally with a mercury thermometer, and the tip breaks off. So it's back to the emergency room. Dr. Gruber gets the tip out and says Zoe will be fine, (
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