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The Secret Life of Us
Précédent  1x18 Suivant
Intimations of Mortality
Diffusé le : 29/10/2001
Alex and Evan still fantasing about each other and the situation between them is becoming more and more tense. Riche finally is going to move out of the flat. But the sad thing is that Sam is abit nasty to Will for not waking her up sooner for an important interview. She gets the job as a reporter. But she can't find Will to tell him so she celebrates with Kelly. Then she leaves a message for Will to meet her at a cafe. Will is late for the meeting and find she has gone. Later on he finds out she is dead knocked over by (I think it was a lorry). He is riddled with guilt after he thinks that if he was at the cafe she wouldn't have been ran over. Though he is too upset and not ready to except what has happened to cry. This brings the group closer together and Gabbialle and Jason closer as well. The tragidy was Will has now lost the real love of his life. Just when he was realizing how much he loves Sam. (
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