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The Secret Life of Us
Précédent  1x01 Suivant
Telemovie (1)
Diffusé le : 16/07/2001
Kelly leaves her job when she can't handle her boss/lover's constant manipulation of her, saying he will leave his wife when in fact its quite obvious he won't. She finds during her apartment hunting, a pair of flatmates by the name of Evan and Alex who are dumbfounded by her interview but agree to her living with them. Alex has difficulty being a female doctor in the male hierarchy, whilst Evan dates Andrea, a immature 80's reject whom is in love with him, she even has a key to their apartment. Add the fact that Evan is a commitment phobic and their apartment is sure to be hell. In another apartment in the same building are Will, Miranda & Richie. Miranda and Richie, coupled, are both actors and Miranda gets a job, which eventually flops. However Richie gets a job 2 but doesn't tell Miranda for fear of upsetting her. Which it does but only when she finds out. Will has a hard time letting go of the past with his ex-girlfriend Leah, whom Miranda and Richie dislike and have disliked since they met Will. She arrives on the scene and asks for money. Will thinks that she loves him but he finds out after he's given her the money that she's already got a partner, so he was played. Also in the apartment building live Gabrielle, Alex's best friend and Jason, Gabrielle's girlfriend-cum fiance. During a drunken haze, Alex passes out in the apartment block. She is picked up and taken into her apartment by Jason. He later professes his love for her. At first Alex rejects the feelings but shortly after, her and Jason have sex, whilst Kelly is hanging out her washing on the rooftop clothes line. Kelly is at first apalled but when she finds Alex upset, earns her keep by successfully helping Alex through her tears if only temporary. (
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