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(The Agency)
Précédent  1x07 Suivant
Untrue World
Diffusé le : 06/10/2020
The news of Dicle's resignation falls like a bomb at Ego Agency. Dicle's announcement that he wanted to quit the job without any explanation angered Feris and tells Dicle to find someone instead. Meanwhile, a new motion picture was offered to Gökçe Bahadır. However, the last set days of the film with foreign partners, which are still being shot, coincides with the new movie. While Çınar is not sure what to do, Kıraç rushes to his aid. Feris gets an unexpected phone call from Ahmet Rıfat Şungar; The actor finds himself in the middle of an incredible photoshoot and doesn't know how to survive. Barış is very upset when he hears Dicle's resignation, and he is determined to do his best to keep Dicle from going. While Dicle thinks she's getting everything right, Mayda comes to the agency with shocking news. (
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