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It Takes Two
Diffusé le : 27/04/1999
Kim's mother, Nikki, is re-starting a journey she began 18 years ago. With Dee's help, she will be completing her high school diploma. To her chagrin, the only requirement is to finish a history class, taught by the same teacher who flunked her years ago. Mr. Fullmore is probably the most boring teacher at Crenshaw High. He calls on Nikki to answer a question when he sees that she's asleep in class. She answers the question correctly. But when she stands up for Hakeem after Mr. Fullmore insults him, he makes her take a pop quiz for the class in which every student will receive the grade she scores. She gets an ""A."" Nikki surprises Kim when she tells her that she will be going to Santa Monica College with her. Kim feels like her mother is intruding on her world. After registration, Nikki and Kim attend a party. Kim is embarrassed, even though all the kids think she's lucky to have a cool mother. Nikki confesses to Kim that the only reason she has courage to follow through with her dream (
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