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The Steve Harvey Show
Précédent  2x01 Suivant
Whatever You Want
Diffusé le : 10/09/1997
Cedric falls in love with Regina's new 'round-the-way' secretary Lovita Alizay Jenkins. As Steve's insensitivity upsets Regina, Romeo and Bullethead square off over a beautiful classmate. Romeo weighs his feelings for his once-heavy platonic friend Aisha who spent her summer at a weight-loss farm and now is lovely, fit and sexy. - - - With the beginning of the new school year, Steve believes it's finally time for him and Regina to get together. Intending to start off right, Steve greets her with a red rose and a ticket to the theater, asking for a date. She accepts. Romeo and Bullethead also enjoy the first day of class as an opportunity to check out the new girls in school. They notice one immediately, but don't recognize her as their classmate Aisha, who looks fantastic after a summer at weight loss camp. When she finally reveals her identity, both boys begin to hit on her. Meanwhile, Lovita Alizay Jenkins, an applicant for the position of Regina's administrative assistant, arri (
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