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Walker, Texas Ranger
Précédent  5x24 Suivant
Le Successeur - Partie 1
Diffusé le : 04/05/1997
Thunder Malloy, a preacher, who is a friend of Walker's dies and his wife and sons are left to fend for themselves. Trent, the eldest son, who is also a former student of Walker's, who years ago, had a disagreement with his father, when he chose to join the Army as oppose to following his father's footsteps, decides to leave the Army and come home to help his mother and siblings. Walker tries to get him to maybe be a cop but Trent does not want to carry a gun. For the moment he works as a security guard. Walker is also working a case involving someone who is gunning cops, and it seems that one his targets is Trent's friend Carlos Sandoval. (
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