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Any Day Now
Précédent  4x08 Suivant
The Contest
Diffusé le : 09/09/2001
Present: Rene and Turk have a spirited disagreement over potential candidates for a Girls At Risk scholarship before Turk finally gives in to Rene's choice; Sara busily plays matchmaker even though Rene vehemently tries to discourage her; Rene's ex-husband comes into town on a three day business trip and tries unsuccessfully to woo her until her resistance finally fails, and they fall into each other's arms; the next morning over breakfast, they agree that although they are great lovers they are not in love with each other, and Rene somewhat reluctantly sends him back home to Houston; M.E. and Colliar struggle to adjust to living in an apartment building with noisy, incense-burning, chanting neighbors as well as airplanes flying closely overhead, a smelly carpet, and plumbing problems. Past: ""Bob Goodie's Dance Machine"", a TV dance show, is coming to Birmingham and Teresa desperately wants to be one of the featured dancers on the show; in exchange for dance lessons from Rene, Teresa pr (
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