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Précédent  0x02 Suivant
Hori and Miyamura: A Sudden Rain
Diffusé le : 25/03/2014
The student council asks Hori to help plan a welcome party for the new students, so she asks Miyamura to help buy eggs during a flash sale. On the way, Miyamura accidentally exposes his true appearance in front of Yoshikawa. At night, Miyamura finds Hori's college planning worksheet crumpled up, comforts her over her uncertainty of the future, and gives her a spare worksheet the next day. Later, the student council accuses Hori of losing the budget report, but Miyamura proves her innocence by revealing Remi had thrown them away after miscalculating and then headbutts Sengoku. After school, Hori asks Miyamura why he is so kind to her, but he doesn't hear her over the rain. In the end, Miyamura escapes punishment because his heatbutting Sengoku goes unnoticed by the other students, while Hori reveals she helped the student council out of guilt for bullying Sengoku in their childhood. (
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